Can ‘Smart’ Garbage Cans Help Us Manage Solid Waste?

Smart Garbage Cans

Can ‘Smart’ Garbage Cans Help Us Manage Solid Waste? Overflowing trash cans are an unpleasant sight, that disrupt the beautiful views and harmony of our cityscapes. Overflowing and open trash cans pollute the environment and can be the cause of diseases and infections for the nearby residents, workers, and passersby. To battle the problem of […]

Battling Against Recycling Contamination

Recycling Contamination - Titan National

Battling Against Recycling Contamination While the increasing dedication and a growing rate of participation of the general public in recycling is good news, residents put everything they believe could or should be recycled in the designated containers. It’s important to understand that the slightest bits of non-recyclables in a load of recycling could prevent the […]

US Fueling the Waste Crisis

America's Waste Crisis - Titan National

Ameria’s Waste Crisis If you think that America ranks in the top ten list of the most wasteful countries, then you are partly correct. However, you may be underestimating the magnitude of the problem. America is none other than the most wasteful country in the world. Yes, America is rank one when it comes to […]

Plastic Waste & the Environment?

Plastic Waste - Titan National

How Does Plastic Waste Harm the Environment? Trash usually ends up washing up on beaches and travels throughout oceans and rivers. It affects physical habitants, affects marine life, transports chemical pollutants, and interrupts human uses of coastal, marine, and river environments. Out of all trash, plastic trash poses the biggest danger to the environment. It […]

Electronic Waste Recycling

Electronic Recyling with Titan National

What You Need to Know About Electronic Waste Recycling Electronics have a short lifespan. An average cellphone will function without problems for less than 2 years. Computers and desktops last for 5 to 8 years, and most technicians believe that the average life of a laptop is between 3 to 5 years. According to environmentalists, electronic […]

Dumpster Size Guidelines

Dumpster Size Chart

What size dumpster do I need? How to choose the right size dumpster for your project? There are several factors to consider when renting a dumpster.  The initial most important considerations are the following: What type of material are you throwing away. How much trash do you have (volume)? Where can you place the dumpster […]

Metal Recycling 101

Metal Recycling 101 Metals are versatile and carry certain significance in plenty of real-world applications. They are used in industrial production for manufacturing railways, ships, airplanes, cars, trucks, etc. Apart from this, they are used in crockery, cutlery, and packaging as well. With metal recycling, it is possible to reuse metal continuously without degrading its […]

Tips to Minimize Your Plastic Footprint

Plastic Footprint - Titan National

Tips to Minimize Your Plastic Footprint Plastic waste is detrimental to our environment. It emits greenhouse gases and adds to land and water pollution. Not only are landfills full of plastic waste that never made its way to the recycling plants, but marine biologists predict that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean […]

All You Need to Know About Glass Recycling

All You Need to Know About Glass Recycling Glass is a recyclable material made from a chemical compound known as silicon dioxide. It is transparent, heat resistant, a poor conductor of electricity, and does not chemically react with other substances. These physical and chemical properties of glass make it an excellent and safe container for […]

Art from Plastic Waste

5 Inspiring Works of Art from Plastic Waste Art has always been a form of creative expression. Artists, painters, sculptors, actors, and even singers use their craft to embody their thoughts and feelings. Over the years, art has been used to channel emotions and raise awareness of social and political issues. A new form of […]