Toxic Train Derailment - Dangerous for Communities and Employees
According to federal records, trains derailed 1,164 times last year, and 1,095 times in 2021 ( That’s an average of 1,704 derailments per year (
According to a USA Today analysis, the most common reasons trains spill hazmat cargo are equipment failure, like broken valves, or human error such as improperly preparing cargo. Hazardous materials were released in 172 train derailments over the last decade, or roughly 17 each year (
It is difficult to say which toxic spill is the most common, as the type of hazardous material that is being transported varies. However, some of the most common hazardous materials transported by trains include crude oil, ethanol, and chlorine (
Safe Waste Handling Is Vital
Toxic spills from trains can have a devastating impact upon entire towns and communities. In cases where railroad companies lack adequate safety precautions, deadly derailments and toxic spills can result from simple human errors. The Dangers of Toxic Spills Train accidents always pose a risk to the safety of passengers, employees, and bystanders. Toxic spills, caused by derailments, however, have the potential to cause serious injury for anyone who lives nearby the crash site (
When a train carrying hazardous cargo derails, it can result in a toxic spill. The most common reasons trains spill hazmat cargo are equipment failure, like broken valves, or human error such as improperly preparing cargo. The severity and type of injuries sustained by derailment victims depend on the specific type of substance that a person is exposed to. It is not uncommon for victims of toxic spills to suffer from headaches, dizziness, nausea, and irritation to the nose, throat, and lungs ( (
In the event of a toxic spill, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) takes control of the response and clean-up (
It is vital to always work with a reputable waste management firm. Titan National can handle your waste and recycling requirements in a safe and efficient manner. Local government prefer working with a Titan.
All commercial and household waste is potentially toxic. Properly handling it is vital and everyone can play an important role. Work with a reputable waste management company and follow the rules.