Jeff Rizzo


Titan National Leadership with Jeff Rizzo

Jeff Rizzo has been involved in the waste management and trucking industries since 1996. His hands-on management and leadership skills have helped several companies grow to multi-million-dollar operations. 

Currently Mr. Rizzo is successfully growing Titan National, a waste management and trucking firm, from “nothing” into a successful start-up story. He’s known for putting together great management teams and instills in them the freedom to perform and win. He is a leader that motivates his Team Titan to out-perform the competitors. Mr. Rizzo started Titan Trucking in 2017 that grew successfully while quickly adding 2 acquisitions in 2022, he then started a new group to launch Titan National, another waste management and trucking firm, folding Titan Trucking into this business, with a goal to acquire several other companies in the futre. 

Jeff Rizzo’s talents include building and stream-lining the operation of the companies he has been involved in. He trains and motivates his team to focus on profitability, budget tracking, and customer service. He listens to their ideas, concerns and suggestions and his employees appreciate that.

As past COO of Rizzo Environmental Services (RES) he successfully groomed and managed a highly successful management team that was accountable and aligned to the same vision and goals as the companies.  Daily he touched the lives of every employee in positive ways. He understands that a motivated work force is his best asset.

He pushed for helpful new technologies in an industry that was lacking those advancements. That helped with growth and financial success causing RES to become the #1 leader in the waste industry in Southeastern Michigan.

Jeff also kept an eye on fleet management and maintenance programs causing RES to be one step ahead of their competitors. This caused his firm to have a 98.7% up-and-running record – avoiding costly truck rentals.

He groomed and sold off the RES landscape and snow division in 1996 and then focused on his residential waste management services. Beginning in 2006, Jeff helped increase sales by over 650% by 2012.

His level of company success, by way of organic growth and acquisitions, was record setting. He helped grow RES by 825% between 2012 to 2016, when the firm sold to the international waste management firm, GFL. 

Besides Jeff’s industry talents, he is a dedicated husband and father. He’s involved in his church and local non-profit organizations helping others.  He also trains and works-out regularly due to his past record of being runner-up for the State of Michigan Wrestling Championship